
  • Thursday, May 11, 2023 12:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 9th Ratanbai Katrak Lectures on Zoroastrianism

    Delivered by Prof. Dr. Alberto Cantera (Freie Universität Berlin) 101 years after the inauguration of the Ratanbai Katrak Lecturership at the University of Oxford Convened by Prof. Yuhan S-D Vevaina for the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.

    ‘With which Yasna shall I worship you (kana θβąm yasna yazāne)? Zoroastrian Rituals in the Antique and Late Antique Iranian world’

    These lectures will stream on Zoom:

    Join on Zoom

    Lecture 1: Manuscripts and Rituals: The Written Transmission of the Zoroastrian Rituals
    Thursday 11 May 2023, 12:30 PM Eastern | 9:30 AM Pacific
    Lecture 2: The Questioned Antiquity of the Zoroastrian Rituals: Their Reception in Western Academia
    Thursday 18 May 2023, 12:30 PM Eastern | 9:30 AM Pacific
    Lecture 3: The Ritual System: Modularity and Productivity
    Thursday 25 May 2023, 12:30 PM Eastern | 9:30 AM Pacific
    The above lectures can also be attended in person from 5:30 PM BST (British Summer Time) on all three days at Wolfson College, Linton Road, Oxford, OX2 6UD

    Three more lectures are scheduled for Autumn 2023 Contact: [email protected] 

    About Prof. Dr. Alberto Cantera

    Prof. Dr. Alberto Cantera is the Director of the Institute for Iranian Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. The focus of his work is on Zoroastrian textuality from Antiquity until the modern age, especially the Avestan texts, their reception in Late Antiquity, and their use in Zoroastrian rituals. He is responsible for transforming our collective understanding of the Avestan texts by emphasising their ritual character and is engaged in the monumental task of describing and understanding the history of Zoroastrian ritual practices. Since 2008 he has been the Director of the Avestan Digital Archive, the largest collection of Avestan manuscripts published online. Furthermore, he is the
    principal investigator of a long-term project preparing a new edition of all the Avestan texts used in the Zoroastrian rituals: Corpus Avesticum Berolinense. He is also one of the principal investigators of another long-term project in collaboration with the universities of Bochum and Cologne: The Digital Corpus and the Dictionary of Middle Persian. His published books include: Studien zur Pahlavi-Übersetzung des Avesta (Wiesbaden, 2004); Vers une édition de la liturgie longue zoroastrienne: pensées et travaux préliminaires (Leuven, 2014); and Introduction à l’avestique recent (Girona, 2019) together with Céline Redard; He is currently preparing a project on the Pahlavi nērangs or ritual instructions in the Iranian liturgical manuscripts.

  • Friday, May 05, 2023 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    FEZANA Call for Participants for the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2023 ~ July 10 – 20, 2023 

    The FEZANA UN-NGO Committee is looking for participants to attend the High-Level Political Forum at the UN Headquarters in New York from July 10 - 20, 2023.

    This year's main focus will be on, "Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels”

    In the forum, participants will be able to further discuss the effective and inclusive recovery measures to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and explore actionable policy guidance for the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs at all levels. 

    The HLPF in 2023, without prejudice to the integrated, indivisible, and interlinked nature of the SDGs, will also review in-depth Goals 6 on clean water and sanitation, 7 on affordable and clean energy, 9 on the industry, innovation, and infrastructure, 11 on sustainable cities and communities, and 17 on partnerships for the Goals. 

    For more information on the HLPF, visit: 

    Individuals interested in attending the conference, are requested to: 

    1. Fill in the form: 
    2. Two-minute video recording of yourself on how you see yourself fitting into the UN. 
    3. Send your video, resume, and letter of intent for attending the HLPF by May 5, 2023, to both individuals: 
      Dr. Behram Pastakia ([email protected]), Miss Afreed Mistry ([email protected]

    FEZANA, as an NGO in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Department of Global Communications (DGC), will facilitate registration to the HLPF.

    The selected participants are expected to make their own financial arrangements regarding visas, tickets, accommodation, food, and transportation in the city.

    Details about the vision, mission, and activities of the United Nations can be accessed at


    Miss Afreed Mistry 

    Dr. Behram Pastakia 

    Co-Chairs, FEZANA UN-NGO Committee
  • Sunday, April 02, 2023 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)



    A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights

    We are requesting your participation in this Project by sending us a Postcard with your message on DEFENDING FREEDOM AND HUMAN RIGHTS, which is the overarching theme of this year's Parliament of World's Religions. 

    We will put these Postcard messages from our communities around the world, in a Farohar shaped collage, displayed in the Exhibits section at the Parliament, from 14th through 18th August at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center in Chicago, USA.  Through this display, we will enable the voices of our world-wide Zoroastrian community members to join those hundreds of voices speaking at the Parliament on Defending Freedom and Human Rights.  

    The Instructions on preparing these postcards are given below.  We look forward to receiving your response as soon as possible, but no later than 30th April, 2023.

    You may reach us anytime with questions.

    The contact email is ­­­­­­[email protected]  

    Thanking you, and with our best wishes to all,

    Bakhtavar Desai and Homi D. Gandhi
    Co-Chairs, Interfaith Activities, FEZANA

    Instructions for Submitting your Postcard:

    Individuals (or Teams of individuals) will write and submit one postcard on the theme of the Parliament: A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights

    Where To Send:

    You may scan and email your entry to us at ­­­­­­[email protected]

    If you wish to mail your entry, you can send it to:
    Fezana-POWR Postcard, 8615 Meadowbrook Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60527 U.S.A
    To ensure your entry reaches us safely and timely, we encourage you to email it to us.

    Deadline for receiving the entries: 30th April, 2023


    Scanning Options:

    Any scanning app on your phone will work fine. Here is one app and its instructions: Adobe Scanner (free app) on your phone to send in your entry. Use bright light when you scan please.  Instructions are viewable in this video


    Size Of Postcard:

    It should be the size (and paper thickness) of an Index Card – 3 inches (7.6cm) tall x 5 inches (12.7cm) wide. If you use a slightly larger size, it is fine, just be sure to keep your message/art within the 2.5 inches to 4.5 inches boundary as we may need to make size modifications. This will be the project that will be included in the installation. If you feel you need to add a mini paragraph to explain your creation, please include a separate postcard which will not be included in the creation. You may include your creations in English, Farsi, Dari or Gujarati.

    Details for Submission:

    Font – 0.25 inches to 0.5 inches

    You can use one of these various forms of expression for entry submission:


    • Create a word bubble and insert 7-10 words within the bubble on the PoWR theme
    • Create a miniature painting or drawing on the theme
    • Create a mini collage on the theme
    Ecology and Zoroastrianism (write 3-4 lines). While the green movement has caught the attention of many now, Zoroastrianism teaches respect for all creations. Select 1-3 creations and write one line on how each of these apply to the PoWR theme.

    Poem (Write 4 lines)
    Following the Spenta Mainyu Gatha (Bounteous Spirit/Wisdom) Yasna 47-50
    (Modified using the Gathic meter of 4 verses with 4 syllables + 7 syllables per meter).

    Write four lines on the PoWR theme

    Line 1 – 4 syllables
    Line 2 – 7 syllables
    Line 3 – 4 syllables
    Line 4 – 7 syllables

    Lines do not have to rhyme but they do need to follow the theme of the PoWR

    Humata, Hukata, Huvareshta -Three lines with three tenets in mind – Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. Each line should be literally that, fit within a line.
    • Line 1 – A good thought that applies to the theme
    • Line 2 – A good word(s) that apply to the theme
    • Line 3 – A good deed that applies to the theme
    Cyrus the Great, defender of human freedom
    • Cyrus is considered the definitive ruler to have established human rights and the British museum has the translation of the cuneiform inscription. Select 1-3 phrases of the inscription that apply to the PoWR theme and write them on the postcard


    • Create a 1-2 lines musical script based on the theme. Script has to be written in the five-line musical script format.

    Note: Your entries will not be returned to you. (Although we will try and include as many as possible, your entries may not be used in the final project) If we receive an overwhelming response of entries, we may not be able to use all of them for the collage exhibit.
    Thank you for lending your voice to defending freedom and human rights in our world!


    For any questions write to: [email protected]

  • Sunday, March 19, 2023 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Zoroastrian Summer School 2023
    Applications Now Open!

    We are pleased to announce that applications for the Zoroastrian Summer School 2023 are now open. The course will take place from the 26 to 30th June 2023 at the Norwegian Institute in Rome, in collaboration with the University of Bergen.

    Students at the 2022 summer school

    The topic of the course is ‘Zoroastrianism as a religious minority in modern and contemporary Iran’. This course is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the study of Zoroastrianism. Students will be given an intensive learning experience consisting of lectures, discussions and interactive workshops. The course will be delivered by leading academics from Norway, the UK and the US.

    Applications are open to both current (undergraduate or master’s) students and graduates. There are no tuition fees, and only a £40 registration fee for successful applicants. We are pleased to offer three bursaries of up to £1000 to help with the costs of travel and accommodation.

    The deadline for applications is 19th March 2023. To find more information on the course details and application requirements, please visit the SSPIZS website.

    We look forward to reading your applications!

  • Monday, March 13, 2023 4:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Registration is Mandatory


    Date:  Monday, March 13th, 2023 | Time:  4 PM EST / 1 PM PST

    Women’s Empowerment with Digitization in the Pre and Post Covid Era
    Zoroastrian delegation to deliver a panel discussion at the United Nations
    As part of the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67)

    NEW YORK, March 3, 2023 – FEZANA will be participating at the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Conference to be held at the UN Headquarters in New York, USA.
    This year’s theme will focus on innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.  FEZANA has put together a diverse team of delegates that will be attending and representing FEZANA at the conference. 
    Dr. Farah Shroff (Vancouver, Canada), Dr. Zebalda Bamji (Toronto, Canada), Sharmin Mistry (Toronto, Canada), Delna Sethna (Mumbai, India), Kaizaad Kotwal (Mumbai, India), Mahabanoo Kotwal (Mumbai, India), Javeed Shaikh (Gujarat, India), Afreed Mistry (Toronto, Canada) and Behram Pastakia (Washington, DC, USA) will be representing the Zoroastrians at the UN.  
    A subset of the above group will be presenting a panel discussion titled, ““Women’s Empowerment with Digitization in the Pre and Post Covid Era”.  The panel will cover topics related to digitization (pre- and post-covid) concerning women.  Issues covered with be related to mental health, society, technological accessibility and women’s safety. The panel will also provide actionable ideas for wider implementation.

    This panel discussion is open to all, so please register to attend.

    The panel discussion details are:
    Date:  Monday, March 13th, 2023
    Time:  4 PM EST / 1 PM PST

    Dr. Farah Shroff
    Farah is a visionary Canadian public intellectual with expertise in global public health research and education.
    Planet. A policy expert, she has worked within and for many governments in Canada and elsewhere.
    Her research areas are integrative health approaches such as Ayurveda and yoga, and social/environmental justice-from a feminist anti-racism decolonial lens. Speaking French, Spanish and English, she has worked in many nations as an educator in academia and other communities. She founded and leads Maternal and Infant Health Canada, a global public health collaborative aiming to improve the wellbeing of women, young ones and the environment.
    Harvard School of Public Health recently awarded her a mid-career fellowship, recognizing her expertise in global
    public health. She works as an independent consultant, faculty member at the University of British Columbia and
    teacher of yoga, dance, meditation and other mind-body activities. Dr Shroff is regularly featured in the media.
    Contact: [email protected]   
    Dr. Zebalda Bamji
    Zebalda has dedicated her career to improving patient outcomes and healthcare delivery systems, leveraging her profound scientific acumen and exceptional business sense. With an impressive track record of diverse leadership roles, she leads cross-functional teams in biomedical sciences, program management, and business development for multimillion-dollar high-growth initiatives in medical innovation and digital health. She has served as a top-level strategist and subject matter expert across diverse organizations from Canadian and US Health Authorities, Hospital Consortiums, Pharmaceuticals, and Research Organizations across Canada, the US, India, Nepal, China, and the EU. Dr. Bamji has earned her Executive MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, her MS and Ph.D. from Howard University College of Medicine, and her BSc. from St. Xavier’s College Mumbai. She has strategized and supported the development of 6 start-ups with intellectual property patents and venture capital funding. As a thought leader, she has delivered countless seminars and presentations, authored peer-reviewed publications, and taught thousands of medical graduate and undergraduate students over the decades. She has held faculty appointments with Howard University and Northeastern University. She serves on the Board of healthcare facilities, local NGOs, and start-ups. She is also a committed member of several International Charitable Organizations, aiding in poverty alleviation, women’s empowerment, stress relief through meditation, and scientific advancement.

    Contact: [email protected] null

    Sharmin Mistry
    Sharmin is originally from Mumbai, India, now residing in Toronto, Canada, Sharmin is the Assistant Secretary of the Federation of Zoroastrians of North America (FEZANA). She is a marketing graduate from Seneca College, Toronto currently working at a global media agency, Publicis Media. As a women empowerment advocate, her goal is to inspire Zoroastrian women to become an inspiration for other women, through guidance, motivation and mentorship.
    Contact: [email protected] null null
    Afreed Mistry
    Afreed is from Toronto, Canada and has been an active member of FEZANA since 2002.  She co-chairs the FEZANA UN-NGO Committee along with Dr. Behram Pastakia.  Afreed is also the main representative for FEZANA at the United Nations.  She has attended and presented at eight United Nations’ CSW Conferences and also been a part of the UN DGC Conferences, Parliament of World’s Religions and attended numerous UN meetings.
    Contact:  [email protected]  null
    Dr. Behram Pastakia
    Chair of the Zarathushti Youth Without Borders initiative of FEZANA, and Co-Chair of its UN – NGO Committee is a practicing radiologist in Metropolitan Washington D.C. He is part of  RAD-AID International (, an NGO which promotes health care in low resource countries, through education, innovation and entrepreneurship.
    Contact: [email protected]
     About United Nations
    The United Nations is central to global efforts to solve problems that challenge humanity. Cooperating in this effort are more than 30 affiliated organizations, known together as the UN sytem.  For more information visit
    About the Commission on the Status of Women
    The CSW is a global governmental body that is dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.  This commission was established by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 1946.  Every year the CSW holds a conference in the winter for a two-week period where Un entities, Member States and Civil Society discuss issues pertaining to women, girls and gender equality.  The past 3 years this conference has been virtually hosted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    FEZANA Contact:
    Sharmin Mistry, Assistant Secretary – FEZANA, [email protected], +1-416-475-6986

    Register Now

  • Sunday, February 05, 2023 11:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    For You And Your Family

    ON FEBRUARY 5, 2023






    Ahunavaiti  Gatha Yasna Ha 30.2

    Do Join Us For This Very Special Webinar 

    With Our BaHumata Super-Stars 

    Ervad Kobad Zarolia (Canada)

    Mobadyar Paria Mavandi (Iran)

    Dr. Armaiti May (United States)

    Hutokshi Hira (Australia And Pakistan)

    This 26th Thought Provoking Inspirational Webinar 

    Will Be Conducted By

     Our Very Own Zarathushti Neuro Scientist 

    from Cambridge University in United Kingdom

    Dr. Karishma Koka, PhD 

    Founder, Host And Moderator of Ba Humata

    Please Reserve Your Time For A Milestone Experience Of Your Life.

    On Sunday, February 5, 2023

    11:00 AM  Eastern Time

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 834 0882 6220

    Passcode: BAHUMATA




    The Facebook stream will be available at

  • Sunday, February 05, 2023 9:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Zoroastrian Society of Ontario and it’s Help Hands Committee is reaching out to our entire community to join hands together and support Zarina and her family in these difficult times. Please donate online by visiting the ZSO website at and designate your donation to Zarina.

    Zarina Bharucha and her family are in a very difficult situation. She is currently unemployed and facing some financial challenges to pay for the funeral costs of her father Sammy Pheroz Bharucha who passed away on Feb 2nd, 2023.

    The members of Our ZSO Helping hands committee have been working hard in supporting her during these difficult times and have connected Zarina with Jarrett Kane funeral home for next steps and options available for the funeral etc. We’re fortunate to have priests performing the prayers and rituals at no cost, however we all know there are many other expenses associated in performing the last rites. The funeral will take place by Sunday which will not allow for enough time for the family to receive any Government funding, if applicable.

    Together we stand strong!

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