
  • Sunday, September 11, 2022 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • Saturday, September 10, 2022 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • Sunday, September 04, 2022 11:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • Sunday, August 28, 2022 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The California Zoroastrian Center (CZC) presents:

    Please note: The Zoom Meeting will start at 11 am PST or 2 pm EST.

  • Saturday, August 27, 2022 10:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • Friday, August 26, 2022 10:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Weekly Zoroastrian Talks

    Dr. Rastin Mehri of Simon Fraser University has been giving talks on Zoroastrian Literature every Friday at 7pm (PST) / 10pm (EST) on Zoom.

    Come join in on any Friday to learn more about our texts, languages and history. All are welcome to join in.

    The zoom link is below:

    Join Meeting

    About the Speaker:

    Rastin Mehri obtained his PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London, UK, under the supervision of Professor Almut Hintze and the late Professor John Hinnells. He holds an MA in Biblical Studies, and BA in Religions Studies, and a BFA (Fine Arts) all from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia. He currently teaches courses in the Department of World Languages and Literatures in Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia.

  • Thursday, August 11, 2022 7:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear ZSO members,

    We are happy to share that with the pandemic restrictions and mandates eased, this year we are observing the Shahenshahi Farvardegan days at the Mehraban Guiv Darb-e-Meher (MGDM) from August 11 – 15, 2022.

    The MGDM is open and ready to welcome our community during the auspicious Farvardegan days, where we reflect and pray, remembering our Loved ones who have passed away. With restrictions and mandates eased, we continue to be cautious and careful for the safety of our loved ones and community at large and have some changes to the Muktad Observances.

    Here is what you need to know about the upcoming Farvardegan days in August.

    The MGDM capacity for serving lunch and dinner is limited to 100 attendees

    • Lunch will follow the 11:30am Satum prayer
    • Dinner will follow the 7:00pm Satum prayer

    The following prayer performances will be in person and via live stream on ZSO’s YouTube channel.

    • Three Satum sessions (morning, afternoon and evening)
    • Afringan in the morning
    • Farokshi in the morning
    • Evening Satum and Hum Bundagi

    Schedule of Prayers:

    Thursday, August 11, 2022 | Friday, August 12, 2022 | Monday, August 15, 2022

    7:00am - Morning Satum
    7:30am - Afringan and Farokshi
    11:30am - Afternoon Satum
    7:00pm - Evening Satum

    Saturday, August 13, 2022 | Sunday, August 14, 2022

    8:00am - Morning Satum
    8:30am - Afringan and Farokshi
    11:30am - Afternoon Satum
    7:00pm - Evening Satum

    Including names of deceased in prayers:

    If you wish to include the names of your deceased loved ones in the farvardegan prayers, please complete “Muktad Prayers Form” and send it via email or mail to Ervad Hoshang Udwadia by August 05, 2022.

    • Email: [email protected]
    • Mail: Ervad Hoshang Udwadia, 1007 – 10 Parkway Forest Drive, North York, Ontario. M2J 1L3.

    Please be reminded that the priests will only recite four names per form in the prayers. Names from the previous years will not be carry forwarded automatically.

    MGDM Clean Up:

    The MGDM clean up prior to farvardegan days is on Sunday, August 7th from 10am to 2pm. We request you all to come in large numbers. We will provide light refreshments and lunch. Click here to register or call/text Khushru Chothia (416) 677-7555.

    High School Students and Volunteer Hours:

    High school students can use this opportunity to earn some volunteer hours. If you are interested in earning those hours during the 5 days of farvardegan while helping the community, building new friendships and having some fun please contact Pearl or Spenta Chothia (416) 917-7402.

    Attending the Prayers and Staying for a Meal:

    Individuals attending the prayers and choosing to stay for a meal MUST register  online by calling Hoofrish Patel at (647) 313-9805 at least one day in advance. Attendees will only have the choice to stay for one meal per day. This will provide a fair opportunity and help us accommodate more individuals for the meals.

    For individuals ONLY attending the prayers no registration is required.

    Monetary and In Kind Donations:

    We encourage individuals to bring their own sandalwood as the supply at the MGDM is running low. We are also accepting donations of the same. Donations of fruit, flowers, food (Malido, papri, ravo, mithai, etc.) is gratefully accepted.

    We strongly recommend and encourage members to bring their own prayer books and head covering to avoid the spread of any germs and cross contamination. Masks are no longer mandatory, however encouraged in crowded places and large gatherings.

    For those who cannot visit the MGDM and wish to make an offering, please do so from the ZSO Store by clicking here.

    We are grateful to all our donors and well-wishers and request everyone to donate online.

    Cash Donations : Drop off in the ZSO safety deposit box

    Cheque Donations

    • Make Cheque(s) payable to ‘Zoroastrian Society of Ontario’
    • Complete the donation form and attach it with your cheque
      • Provide your email address if applicable to ensure timely and accurate issuance of donation receipts.
      • Deliver the cheque and completed form together to our custodian or send it by mail

    NOTE: Cheques made payable to ZSO are not acceptable by the bank and are rejected.

    e-Transfer Donations

    To: [email protected]

    Question: [Enter Your Phone Number]

    Answer: “ZSO3590”

    Message: Donation For………

    We look forward to seeing you at the MGDM during the upcoming Farvardegan days and thank you for your continued support and dedication.

    Putli Mirza, Chair – Muktad Committee

  • Tuesday, August 09, 2022 11:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    World Zoroastrian Chamber of Commerce (WZCC) - Toronto Chapter is thrilled to sponsor this Summer again, a workshop session for our youth 10 to 15 years on:

    Be Future Ready - Get An Edge Over Your Peers

    August 9th at 11.30 AM. EST
    Session will be conducted via Zoom by Global Youngpreneurs.

    The need for the future is not just skills, but an approach, a way of thinking, that will help enable our youngsters to do well and succeed.

    Tips and techniques to help them get an edge over others!

    As the Chinese proverb goes...

    "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago;
    the second-best time to plant a tree is now!"

    Please RSVP your desire to have your youth join the session to [email protected] or Call / Whatsapp on 647-807-2021 at the earliest.

    Zoom link and details will be sent out to those registered nearer the date.

    A leading mission of Global Youngpreneurs is to enable youth with key life skill-sets to help them achieve their dreams in career and life.
  • Sunday, August 07, 2022 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    "The End of Time: According to Zoroastrian Literature"

    A lecture by Professor Carlo Cereti

    Professor Cereti will be in San Diego on Sunday, August 7, 2022, and will review his latest research on “The End of Time According to the Zoroastrian Literature”.

    Professor Cereti has served as the chairman of Iranian Studies at the University of Rome, Italy. He has been involved with Ancient Iranian and Zoroastrian studies for a long time and has published extensively. Recently, has been offered the chair of Zoroastrian Studies which has been endowed at the University of California, Irvine.  

    Topic: "The End of Time: According to Zoroastrian Literature" - A lecture by Professor Carlo Cereti

    Time: Sunday, Aug 7, 2022 11:00 AM Pacific Time (2:00 p.m. EST, 7:00 p.m. GMT)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 840 0050 0844

    Passcode: 078448

  • Sunday, August 07, 2022 11:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Asho Zarathushtra's Gathas

    Please Join Us For This Amazing 

    BaHumata Super Special

    With Our BaHumata Super-Stars 

    Ervad Kaivan Antia (Australia)

    Ervad Farzin Yazeshani (Pakistan, India And Iran)

    Payam And Parisa Khosravi (USA & Iran)

    This 20th Thought Provoking Inspirational Webinar 

    Will Be Conducted By

    Our Very Own Zarathushti Neuro Scientist 

    from Cambridge University in United Kingdom

    Dr. Karishma Koka, PhD 

    Founder, Host And Moderator of Ba Humata

    Please Reserve Your Time For A Milestone Experience Of Your Life.

    On Sunday, August 7, 2022

    8:00 AM Pacific Time

    11:00 AM  Eastern Time

    4:00 PM UK Time

    7:30 PM Iran Time

    7:00 PM  UAE Time

    8:00 PM Pakistan Time

    8:30 PM India Time

    11:00 PM  Perth Australia, Singapore And Hong Kong Time

      Join Zoom Meeting

     Meeting ID: 834 0882 6220

    Passcode: BAHUMATA




    The Facebook stream will be available at



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