A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights
We are requesting your participation in this Project by sending us a Postcard with your message on DEFENDING FREEDOM AND HUMAN RIGHTS, which is the overarching theme of this year's Parliament of World's Religions.
We will put these Postcard messages from our communities around the world, in a Farohar shaped collage, displayed in the Exhibits section at the Parliament, from 14th through 18th August at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center in Chicago, USA. Through this display, we will enable the voices of our world-wide Zoroastrian community members to join those hundreds of voices speaking at the Parliament on Defending Freedom and Human Rights.
The Instructions on preparing these postcards are given below. We look forward to receiving your response as soon as possible, but no later than 30th April, 2023.
You may reach us anytime with questions.
The contact email is [email protected]
Thanking you, and with our best wishes to all,
Bakhtavar Desai and Homi D. Gandhi
Co-Chairs, Interfaith Activities, FEZANA
Instructions for Submitting your Postcard:
Individuals (or Teams of individuals) will write and submit one postcard on the theme of the Parliament: A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights
Where To Send:
You may scan and email your entry to us at [email protected]
If you wish to mail your entry, you can send it to:
Fezana-POWR Postcard, 8615 Meadowbrook Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60527 U.S.A
To ensure your entry reaches us safely and timely, we encourage you to email it to us.
Deadline for receiving the entries: 30th April, 2023
Scanning Options:
Any scanning app on your phone will work fine. Here is one app and its instructions: Adobe Scanner (free app) on your phone to send in your entry. Use bright light when you scan please. Instructions are viewable in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE3IRDblu8U
Size Of Postcard:
It should be the size (and paper thickness) of an Index Card – 3 inches (7.6cm) tall x 5 inches (12.7cm) wide. If you use a slightly larger size, it is fine, just be sure to keep your message/art within the 2.5 inches to 4.5 inches boundary as we may need to make size modifications. This will be the project that will be included in the installation. If you feel you need to add a mini paragraph to explain your creation, please include a separate postcard which will not be included in the creation. You may include your creations in English, Farsi, Dari or Gujarati.
Details for Submission:
Font – 0.25 inches to 0.5 inches
You can use one of these various forms of expression for entry submission:
- Create a word bubble and insert 7-10 words within the bubble on the PoWR theme
- Create a miniature painting or drawing on the theme
- Create a mini collage on the theme
Ecology and Zoroastrianism (write 3-4 lines). While the green movement has caught the attention of many now, Zoroastrianism teaches respect for all creations. Select 1-3 creations and write one line on how each of these apply to the PoWR theme.
Poem (Write 4 lines)
Following the Spenta Mainyu Gatha (Bounteous Spirit/Wisdom) Yasna 47-50
(Modified using the Gathic meter of 4 verses with 4 syllables + 7 syllables per meter).
Write four lines on the PoWR theme
Line 1 – 4 syllables
Line 2 – 7 syllables
Line 3 – 4 syllables
Line 4 – 7 syllables
Lines do not have to rhyme but they do need to follow the theme of the PoWR
Humata, Hukata, Huvareshta -Three lines with three tenets in mind – Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. Each line should be literally that, fit within a line.
- Line 1 – A good thought that applies to the theme
- Line 2 – A good word(s) that apply to the theme
- Line 3 – A good deed that applies to the theme
Cyrus the Great, defender of human freedom
- Cyrus is considered the definitive ruler to have established human rights and the British museum has the translation of the cuneiform inscription. Select 1-3 phrases of the inscription that apply to the PoWR theme and write them on the postcard
(Resource: https://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/History/hakhamaneshian/Cyrus-the-great/cyrus_cylinder_complete.htm)
Note: Your entries will not be returned to you. (Although we will try and include as many as possible, your entries may not be used in the final project) If we receive an overwhelming response of entries, we may not be able to use all of them for the collage exhibit.
Thank you for lending your voice to defending freedom and human rights in our world!