Nushafreen Palsetia (daughter of Katy and Dara Palsetia of Mumbai, India) has a Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, double express or phenotype, an aggressive form of cancer. Last year, FEZANA donors generously contributed towards Nushafreen’s extensive treatment.
An update from her family:
Nushafreen is currently undergoing the third cycle of the treatment regimen to put the disease in remission. She is having regular blood tests and doctor's follow up. The disease is responding to the treatment as per the blood reports and her overall health is fairly good.
PET CT scan is scheduled for 29th October 2021. If she is in complete remission based on the scan, the doctor has advised to move forward with Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant to take advantage of the remission period and achieve the best possible outcome of complete cure.
Fortunately, Nushafreen's elder sister who is with her in Israel is a fully matched (100%) sibling donor.
The hospital requires a deposit of $200,000 before hospitalization for the Allogeneic Transplant.
Our family earnestly requests your kind help for financial support for the transplant to the extent possible so that she has the opportunity to receive the curative treatment in a timely manner.
Thank you very much for all your help and support throughout her treatment.
We urge our generous community to support this family with any financial contributions they can afford. A tax receipt will be issued from the US on behalf of FEZANA.
You can donate online using a credit/debit card on the link below. Select "Nushafreen Palsetia Medical Appeal" from the pulldown menu.
Or you can send a cheque to:
Rooky Fitter
FEZANA Treasurer
PO BOX 266
Please Note: In case the family’s needs are met, then the additional funds collected will be used towards similar future appeals.
May Ahura Mazda bless you for your generous support, always.
Thank you.
Houtoxi Contractor, Sanaya Master, Hosi Mehta
Co-chairs, FEZANA Unity and Welfare Committee