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NAMC - Vendidad – A Book of Prayers and a Book of Laws

Saturday, October 16, 2021 8:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


NAMC Institute of Zoroastrian Studies

Discussion Group - Zoroastrianism outside the Box

Sunday, October 24, 2021,  at 2 pm Eastern Time, 11 am Pacific Time

Topic: Vendidad – A Book of Prayers and a Book of Laws

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82255067379?pwd=VkI2VDlJa1hyVzdKNUZoRjFsYWxzUT09

Meeting ID: 822 5506 7379            Passcode: NAMCIZS          

Are purity laws and instructions prescribed in Vendidad relevant today? Would our secular society tolerate the punishments prescribed in this ancient document? Should these ancient laws and instructions in an ancient language be revered as prayers or should they be studied in their historical context. Should these laws be updated to suite our current circumstances? 

Presenter: Ervad Jal Panthaky

Jal has combined his profession of engineering with his passion for Zoroastrian studies. Amongst other Zoroastrian scriptures, he has studied and transliterated the entire Vendidad. He has trained young Mobeds to recite and perform Yasna and Vendidad ceremonies as a part of their initiation of Navar and Martab. As a Mobed, Jal provides religious and spiritual services to Zoroastrians throughout North America.

This event is facilitated by the NAMC Institute of Zoroastrian Studies to promote knowledge through free but respectful discussion and debate.  The views and opinions expressed during the discussions are those of the presenter and participants and do not reflect the official policy or position of the NAMC.

For more information, please visit http://namcmobeds.org/izs-events/

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