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MGDM Reopening & Social Events

Sunday, September 26, 2021 11:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Earlier this month, we communicated that in line with all the federal and provincial guidelines for places of worship the Mehraban Guiv Darb e Meher (MGDM) is open with revised hours and specific conditions for drop in visits once a week ONLY on Saturdays from 9am – Noon. These conditions will continue ensuring all public health measures are in place including capacity limits, face coverings, physical distancing and environmental cleaning and disinfecting.   

Our approach to re-opening the MGDM continues to be "slow and steady" and "data driven, not date driven". Number of determining factors are:

  • Vaccination rates, mandates and requirements
  • Case counts
  • Impact of variants
  • Government Protocols

We are happy to announce that we will be resuming some of our social gatherings to our members this fall. We have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes i.e. consulting various medical advisors and community peers to determine the best path forward for faith and religious social gatherings.

All visits to the MGDM will be by appointment only and MUST be booked in advance, a minimum 24 hours prior to the day of the visit, by completing the online booking request form or by contacting Hoofrish Patel (email [email protected]  or 647-313–9805) and receiving her confirmation.  Please note if you do not have an appointment/confirmation, your will be denied entry.

COVID-19 Protocols:

When planning a visit to the MGDM please be sure to follow the mandatory requirements and guidelinesfor drop in visits and social gatherings:

Drop In visits

Social Gatherings

Submit the online booking request  form or contact Hoofrish Patel (email [email protected]  or 647-313–9805)

Social gatherings are restricted and limited to our members only. 

Attendees will be accommodated on a first come first serve basis based on the MGDM capacity requirements as outlined by public health and government guidelines.

  • Complete the COVID-19 screener on the day of visit and show it to the volunteer who will be on-site
  • Wearing a non-medical mask/face covering is mandatory
  • For COVID-19 contact tracing purposes, you will be required to provide your name and contact details which will only be kept on file for 30 days.” 
  • Bring your own prayer book, head covering, sandalwood or other prayer related items
  • Maintain a social distance of two meters/six feet
  • Follow entry and exit signs
  • Avoid opportunities for the virus to spread through touch, either directly or indirectly through surfaces and objects, including objects that may be used in rituals or ceremonies


Vaccination Policy:

We want to take this opportunity and remind everyone that vaccines are safe, effective and the best way to protect you and those around you from serious illnesses like COVID-19.  Aligning with the Government’s announcement as of September 22, 2021, you will need to provide proof of vaccination to access MGDM as required, helping further protect our community from COVID-19 and the Delta variant.

  • All individuals visiting the MGDM will be required to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test in order to participate in an event or a drop in visit.
  • Individuals must NOT come to the MGDM (drop in visit or event) if they are sick (any illness – not just limited to COVID-19)
  • Those who remain unvaccinated will NOT be able to participate in In-Person activities.

Suspended Services:

  • Consumption of food and drink remains restricted
  • Food and drink sharing is prohibited
  • No self-serve buffet-style meals
  • MGDM kitchen remains closed for cooking and reheating meals
  • Indoor singing, use of instruments and choir service
  • Sharing and distribution of materials and objects such as books, scarves, caps, water, etc.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, your health and safety has been our top priority. Thank you to each of you who has done your part in helping to support a healthy and safe environment for all.


The Board of Directors

Zoroastrian Society of Ontario

Disclaimers and resources: 

  • “All visits to the MGDM are voluntary and at the visitor’s own discretion. Visitors must comply with applicable guidelines including limits on numbers, wearing of masks and physical distancing. All visitors are responsible for their own health & safety as well as respecting the health & safety of those around them.” 
  • Click here for more details on reopening of Faith Based Organizations in the City of Toronto
  • Click here for more details on proof of vaccination Guidance for Businesses and Organizations under the Reopening Ontario Act

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