NAMC Institute of Zoroastrian Studies
Presents an online summer certificate course:
Faith, History, Modernity and Connections with Major Religions
Start Date: July 5, 2021
On-line classes: Saturdays at 2 pm EDT starting July 10,2021
Course Description:
This course will provide the student with a brief introduction to Zoroastrianism, its doctrines, rituals, practices, and history, giving the student a window into Zoroastrianism and its influence on other succeeding faiths and raise appreciation of this ancient, relevant, and living faith in our modern society.
Ervad Tehemton F. Mirza

Kayomarsh P. Mehta

Course Curriculum: https://namcmobeds.org/online-course-an-introduction-to-zoroastrianism/
To Register, please email: [email protected]
For more information, please visit https://namcmobeds.org/